Copper Bottom – Oxfordshire, England
Date – April 2024
Architect – Adrian James Architects
Timber Frame & Timber Engineering Suppliers – Timber Innovations, Wyckham Blackwell

This was a brilliant project that Wyckham Blackwell and Timber Innovations worked on together, in partnership with Adrian James Architects.
Wyckham Blackwell provided the complex truss arrangement which formed the cladding support and novel use of shape and Timber Innovations provided the highly insulated timber frame, to create the sculpted house.
As well as being a sustainability exemplar, the house has an innovative design, completely clad in verdigis green copper. The aim is to show that Passivhaus parameters need not lead to dull design but can inspire new and wonderful architecture. The house is compact to ensure energy efficiency, and the internal form is a simple cuboid with a shallow pitched roof to face the sun.